Friday, October 14, 2016

Week 7 - Warrior Modeling + Portraits

I've begun modeling the armor for the Warrior class. I'd forgotten how tricky it is to model armor so it's taken me some time. All I need to do from here is finish modeling the arm guards, belts, hair, and weapon and I can begin UVing / texturing.

I'm kind of bouncing around what I'm working on due to what my programmer is asking of me. This week he wanted to implement dialogue so I began working on portraits for the two first characters introduced in our game. They are placeholders for the moment until we settle on a design choice, but I've captured the general idea we're going for.

Next week I'd like the Warrior to be modeled + textured. I'd then be moving on to either more plished portrait work or beginning the Archer.

Wireframe WIP
Portrait Concepts
Portrait Sketch (Finn)
Portrait Sketch (Isa)

Armor References:

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