Friday, September 16, 2016

Week 3 - Texturing + Rigging / Posing

Toby is looking a little more manly this week. I've changed his face a bit, trimming his cheeks to be a bit more slim / square-ish. I liked his rounded chubby cheeks, but I have to admit he does look a more like a boy now. I also altered his outfit quite a bit: I opened up his coat and raised the chain, removed the feathers, lowered the boots, and changed the style of his mid-wraps. Overall I'm happy with the results, even if I kind of miss his old design.

I've also worked more on rigging him I hate paint weights asdfhjk. I've had to re-do the paint weights about four times because something messes up each time.  I did discover the lovely Move Skinned Joints Tool, which was super helpful to know. After a lot of tries  ahfjshfskf I was able to put him in a temporary pose, but his arms crumple up really bad so I need to redo it (the picture posted is the pose, however I will be fixing it for next week). I added more edge loops to it to prevent deforming after this just in case it was the issue, mainly in the elbows.

Aside from that (taking a break from paint weights because jskdhlg;k) I've also updated his textures more. The textures on him are about done now I'd say. At this point all I need to do now is complete the prop textures, add the physics (which is honestly just a side detail) and mini-animation for his magic. I really want him done by next week, gogogo!

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