Thursday, September 1, 2016

Week 1 - Low poly modeling + Texturing

This week I've been working more on my low poly model (his name is still pending, argh). I've made progress on texturing, primarily in the boots, robe, shawl, and floor / props. I've made minor touch ups on other parts of him too, like on his accessories, skin, and hair. I've also modeled some props - a couple types of books, a scroll, and a potion- that I plan to place near the character on his turn table. In addition to modeling / texturing, I've been drawing up concepts on how I would like to pose him. Initially I wanted him in more of an action-y pose, arms outstretched as if he were in mid-cast, however for a static model I felt that would be a little jarring. Alternatively I've also thought of putting him in a more relaxed pose where he is holding ice magic in one hand and a book in another. This way I can have the ice magic subtly animate while he is looking at it comfortably. With this, I could give him a more cheery, youthful facial expression, which closer matches his personality. He has a skeleton now so once I've completely finalized my mesh I will paint skin weights.

Current project


Close up. Now has feathers and some extra details on his accessories.
Will make alphas once the diffuse is complete

Pose ideas
I'll probably go with the lower middle reference

I also posted my last week's screenshot on Polycount.

By the next weekly I'd like to be mostly done with texturing and / or begin posing him.

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