Thursday, May 5, 2016

Week 13 - Zbrush Sculpting

I'm still going through the interface of Zbrush. I've learned the basic gist of dynamesh, which seems super helpful since I was having so many issues last week with polarized ends of my mesh! I've also gone through more of the tutorials explaining new brushes, tool settings, etc. I decided to make a skull to practice what I've learned.

For some reason, I can't wrap my head around creating holes in meshes using a cylinder and dynamesh. I've looked at Pixologic's explanation of it, but I must be missing something because it doesn't work. I'll come back to it, but for now I just wanted to see how I'd fare creating a skull. For my first real attempt at a sculpt (I don't count last week haha) I don't think it turned out half bad!


Next I'm going to begin sculpting - you guessed it - rocks! Here is a great rock reference I'm going to be using from Sketchfab by Phil Nolan. It's a 3D scanned model and being able to move the model I find is a great way to study (since perspective can be tricky when sculpting!).

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