Thursday, November 10, 2016

Weekly 11 - Finalized Portraits WIP

This week I am revisiting the dialogue portraits. I decided to reference my concept art from a while back because I realized it had the pose I was looking for. I'm pretty slow at digital art and lineart isn't my forte so it's been taking me a while, but all I need to do is Finnian, Isa, and two bandits. I'd like to have them all done by next week.

I've also gotten all of the mocap data out of Motive and into Motionbuilder. There were quite a few track data errors sadly so there will be some necessary cleanup.

Last weekend we met up with our group (Vinna Chan is joining us to help with the UI) and decided we wanted to alter the scale of our game in order to finish this by the end of the year. We will decide then whether or not we will want to further pursue this or leave it as a demo. We've scaled it down to just creating a tutorial level with basic combat introduced.

By next week I'd like the portrait art all done and, if I have time, I will need to create the weapons for the characters (broadsword and shortbow).

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